Tuesday 8 November 2011

Cure For Tourettes


  1. I'm getting bombarded with people looking for this t-shirt on my blog.

    I think several are looking to buy it. I'm getting the feeling it doesn't exist for purchase.

    Do you want to get a few thousand printed up and split the proceeds?

  2. Hey, you must have a LOT more readers than me, so far 0 requests here. :-)

  3. Now it exists for purchase. Choose your color, shirt style... and you can even change the c word to something of your liking. ;)


  4. I do not have more readers than you. I see your name on blogs way more often than mine.

    You're, like, on everyone's blogroll.

    The "they" just found the shirt more often at my blog.


  5. Brilliant, J. As you're the only known source for this, I'll have to link you.

    C, sorry J just beat you to it ;-) Next time, keep it a secret! You must be getting an incredible amount of folk visiting the t-shirt link - about a fifth of my daily visitors were coming from you over the last day or so.

  6. You're welcome.


    If you think about it, these hits came from you, because I reblogged what you originally posted.

    In a [sarcastic] Bill and Ted's voice, "Did I blow your mind?"

    I hope that translates.

  7. This whole thing has inspired me to create a new shop, seeing how popular it is. You'll now be able to find this saying on other products besides t-shirts. :)


    .com coming soon?

  8. C, yep that is mind blowing - sounds like Hadron Collider stuff to me!

    great stuff, J, good luck!

  9. Soo... reiterating a late night pondered question ...if someone with Tourrettes was raised in vanilla environs never having heard all the handy cuss words

    ...what would they holler out inappropriately?
